Dakshinamurthu thirupugal by dharmapuram swaminathan
Dakshinamurthu thirupugal by dharmapuram swaminathan

dakshinamurthu thirupugal by dharmapuram swaminathan

Also there is no provision in TN HR & CE Act for the government to interfere in the religious rituals and worshipping pattern followed in temple.Ĭonfirmation of ‘religious denomination’ status.So, the temple cannot be relieved from their possession and there is no question of considering such a scenario. Although the Chidambaram Temple is not constructed by the Dikshithars, they have been managing and maintaining it for centuries.Government violating this provision is against the fundamental rights ensured by the Constitution and hence will not be allowed. Even if there is a genuine case of mismanagement by the concerned party (religious denomination or trust), the government can take control of the management only for a specific and limited period of time required to rectify the mistakes and return it to the concerned party. The government cannot take control of the management of a temple without giving appropriate circumstances, specific reasons and limited timeframe.In this case (Chidambaram Temple), the HR & CE Department (TN Govt) has not specified the circumstances and reasons which warranted the appointment of an EO.He can be appointed only for a specific and limited period of time. Therefore, an EO cannot be appointed permanently using that section. Section 45 of the TN HR & CE Act has not earmarked the circumstances under which an ‘Executive Officer’ could be appointed.Hence, those fundamental rights can be neither denied nor exempted. Section 107 of the Tamil Nadu HR & CE Act ensures the fundamental rights enshrined in Article 26 of the Constitution.The SC’s verdict went in favour of the Dikshithars throwing the HR & CE Department out of the world-famous Chidambaram Natarajar Temple confirming the “ Religious Denomination” status of the Dikshithars and their “right” to manage the temple. On Monday the 6th of January 2014, Supreme Court delivered a landmark judgment bringing a permanent end to the long drawn legal battle between the Tamil Nadu government and the Podhu Dikshithars. It has also made it clear that the constitution of Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowment Dept itself is against the Constitution, as it violates the religious fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution.” – B.R. The judgements have made it clear that a secular government cannot take possession of temples. “The recent Supreme Court verdict along with the previous judgements at various courts gives us a clear picture about the vexed issue of a secular government’s control over the worshipping places of only a particular religion. The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica – Joseph McCabe.

dakshinamurthu thirupugal by dharmapuram swaminathan

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    dakshinamurthu thirupugal by dharmapuram swaminathan

    What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. “Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned, : yet we have not advanced one inch towards humanity. “Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world.” - Voltaire When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it.” - Oscar Wilde

    Dakshinamurthu thirupugal by dharmapuram swaminathan